CPP流延裝飾膜生產線 金緯機械 PP流延膜機



留言詢價 我的聯(lián)系方式 在線洽談


  環(huán)保性 Environmental protection:

  PVC在燃燒過程中產生有害氣體,PP無毒無害。PVC produces harmful gas during combustion, and PP is non-toxic and harmless.

  耐久性 Durability:PP表面耐磨性,耐高溫性,立體性,抗沖擊性遠高于PVC制品。PP surface has better wearproof, high temperature resistance and impact resistance than PVC products.

  仿真 High imitation:仿木紋、大理石、皮革、拉絲等。This film can be made to be imitation wood grain, marble, leather, brushed satin, etc.

  應用領域 Application fields:建筑裝飾和包裝,國家認證環(huán)保產品。It is used in the field of building and ornament materials, packaging materials, and nationally certified environmental protection products.

  CPP流延裝飾膜生產線 金緯機械 PP流延膜機

  獨特的T型模頭,經過優(yōu)化設計及流體仿真,確保出料均勻;Special T-Die, better uniform flow with optimized design & simulation;

  我們有幾十年的螺桿結構設計經驗,確保高產、高效;We have decades of experience in extrusion screw design;

  我們有高效的加工設備,確保核心零部件的加工精度;We have high-end CNC to ensure the precision of the core parts;

  我們有成熟的設計團隊,確保生產線更加智能、更加高效、更加穩(wěn)定。We have a mature design team to make the cast film line smarter, more efficient and more stable.

全自動調節(jié)模頭,可實現(xiàn)在線閉環(huán)控制;Fully automatic adjustment of the die head, enabling online closed-loop control;

  薄壁高效冷卻成型輥,特殊螺旋流道設計,保證高速生產時薄膜定型效果的一致;Thin-walled high-efficiency cooling forming roller and special spiral flow channel design ensure consistent film shaping effect during high-speed production;

  配套負壓雙腔真空箱和靜電壓邊裝置,保證薄膜熔膜穩(wěn)定;Equipped with negative pressure double chamber vacuum box and static edge locking device to ensure the stability of film fusion;

  高穩(wěn)定性電暈處理裝置,故障率低,可根據需要轉換走向,處理薄膜的正反面。High-stability corona treatment device with low failure rate. It can switch directions as needed to process the front and back sides of the film.


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